1 on 1 Coaching and Mentorship

 1 on 1 Coaching and Mentorship

I have been teaching, coaching and mentoring young people for over 20 years. Throughout my work I have cultivated a deep set of skills in coaching and mentoring young folks at often pivotal and challenging times in their lives. I believe youth need extra support, listening, coaching and mentorship right now. A trusted adult support in young people’s lives (outside of family of origin and school) can provide the space for youth to expand and thrive. It takes a village and a wide support support system of community and care to raise young folks to be integral, responsible, social emotionally intelligent, self aware, confident and engaged and empowered in their lives.

My practice is informed by a wide variety of work with young people, a Masters in Education, with a focus on "Transformative Learning Process,” a Holistic Sex Educator certificate and many years of mentoring young folks both in my personal communities and professional work.